OPEN M&Ms and M&M Policy
Region 1 Annual M&M Policy: Paramedics & AEMTs must complete 6 hours of M&M's and EMTs must complete 2 hours of M&Ms in each calendar year (January 1-December 31).
Providers can attend any open M&Ms in REGION 1 to complete the hours requirement, including remote broadcast (live, designated as T-5) or in-person (where available). M&Ms attended in other Regions do not count towards your Region 1 hospital requirement.
The 'Face to Face' requirement (2 hours with your Affiliate Hospital Medical Director or their designee, in-person or live-remote), is in effect for Advanced EMTs and Paramedics. This is recommended for EMTs as well.
If you are employed by more than one agency, your Face-To-Face requirement should be completed with the Medical Director for your primary agency or their designee. Please provide documentation to other agencies.
What constitutes a valid M&M?
effective 2024:
- M&M offered by any Region 1 hospital, in-person or remote
- M&M held at agency with Affiliate Hospital Medical Director and/or hospital EMS Coordinator in attendance
- Medical Director 'ride-along' (Affiliate Hospital Medical Director or their physician designee only)
- Quarterly Skills session with case-based scenarios, attended by Affiliate Hospital Medical Director or their designee
- Pre-recorded session viewed with approval of EMS Coordinator
Always be sure to sign the roster or follow instructions to submit your information for the roster if attending a virtual session! If you are unaffiliated with an agency, check with the EMS Coordinator to obtain proof of attendance.
For Live Remote Broadcasts you will need to submit your name/EMT number. At your agency, your Room Monitor will provide an OEMS roster. Certain hospitals may permit you to attend from home and will require proof of attendance (e.g., participation in on-line polling, etc). Depending on the platform used, pre-registration may be required. Be sure to follow instructions to assure you receive attendance credit.
Each Medical Director has discretion in specific cases: (if you have a unique situation do not delay in reaching out to your Medical Director!)
New Hires: Pro-rated with date of hire (Medical Director determination)
Military Deployment: pro-rated with return-to-work date (Medical Director determination)
Long-term illness/injury: pro-rated with return-to-work date (Medical Director determination)
Other situations: Medical Director determination
American Medical Response (Baystate) 595 Cottage St Springfield
Baystate Health System M&M Registration and EMS Coordinator Contact Info
Includes Franklin Medical Center, Wing Hospital, Noble Hospital, Baystate Medical Center
refer to above link for more info and to register
- Tuesday, January 22nd (NOBLE) from 6p-8p
- Tuesday, February 6th (BFMC) from 6p-8p
- Wednesday, March 6th (WING) from 6:30p-8:30p
- Tuesday, April 9th (BMC) from 2p-4p (IN PERSON ONLY-REGISTRATION REQUIRED)
- Monday, May 14th (NOBLE) from 1p-3p
- Tuesday, June 11th (BFMC) from 6p-8p (IN PERSON ONLY-REGISTRATION REQUIRED)
- Wednesday, July 10th (WING) from 6:30p-8:30p (IN PERSON ONLY-REGISTRATION REQUIRED)
- Monday, August 5th (BMC) from 6p-8p
- Monday, September 23rd (LIFESTAR) from 6p-8p (IN PERSON ONLY-REGISTRATION REQUIRED)
- Tuesday, October 15th (BFMC) from 1p-3p
- Wednesday, November 6th (WING) from 6:30p-8:30p
- Monday, December 3rd (BMC) from 2p-4p
Berkshire Medical Center
Pre-registration required with EMS Coordinator for in-person as well as ZOOM attendance
In-person location is in the Auditorium (by pre-registration only)
contact EMS Coordinator Crystal Van Deusen office: 413-447-2256 Email Crystal
- 1/18/24 1800-2000
- 2/20/24 0930-1130
- 3/31/24 1800-2000
- 4/16/24 0930-1130
- 5/16/24 1800-2000
- 6/18/24 0930-1130 (cancelled)
- 7/18/24 1800-2000 (cancelled)
- 8/20/24 0930-1130
- 9/19/24 0930-1130 (in ED Conference Room instead of Auditorium)
- 10/15/24 0930-1130
- 11/21/24 1800-2000
- 12/17/24 0930-1130
Cooley Dickinson Hospital
Contact EMS Coordinator: Sara Burgess Email Sara
all sessions are remote at this time
- 01/10/24 0900-1100
- 02/14/24 0900-1100
- 03/12/24 1730-1930
- 04/10/24 0900-1100
- 05/08/24 0900-1100
- 06/12/24 1730-1930
- 09/11/24 0900-1100
- 10/09/24 0900-1100
- 11/13/24 1730-1930
- 12/11/24 0900-1100
Fairview Hospital schedules agency-specific M&M rounds, open to affiliated agencies only
Holyoke Hospital
Contact: Matt Rivest Email Matt (remote only, contact Coordinator to pre-register)
- 1/24/24 1630-1830
- 2/28/24 1700-1900
- 3/25/24 1700-1900
- 5/16/24 1700-1900
- 6/18/24 1800-2000
- 7/23/24 1800-2000
- 8/19/24 1800-2000
- 9/25/24 0900-1100
Mercy Medical Center 271 Carew St Springfield MA Agency-specific M&Ms may not be listed here because they are not ‘open’. If it is listed here, it is open.
Contact EMS Coordinator Renee Rochette : Email Renee
- 4/4/24 Westfield Fire Sation 2 0900-1100
- 4/24/24 Westfield Fire Station 1 0900-1100
- 4/29/24 Chapin Ambulance 1600-1800
- 5/1/24 Alert Ambulance 0900-1100
- 5/9/24 National Ambulance 0900-1100
- 5/15/24 East Longmeadow Fire 0900-1100
- 5/23/24 Ludlow Fire 0900-1100
- 6/18/24 RAM Ambulance 1600-1800
- 6/20/24 Westfield Fire 0900-1100
Six Flags EMS (Baystate Health Systems) 1623 Main St Agawam
Contact: Jonathan Hall Email Jon