Western Mass Emergency Medical Services


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AR-2-212 EMT Educational Standards Updated June 2022

MA EMT Continuing Ed Course Application, Special Credit and Roster Forms

For continuing education Instructors: mid-way down the page you can find a link to the most current versions of the course application/rosters

For those seeking continuing education for college courses such as anatomy & physiology, nursing, P.A. etc: You can find the Special Continuing Ed Credit Request form for college credits or other classes partway down the page You must be able to provide transcripts for courses and any other information required on the form. Do not delay your application as these are individually reviewed by OEMS. Note: "Special Credit" courses will NEVER be applied to the NCCR portion of your education; credit will only be given towards "Local" or "Individual" categories.

Your Continuing Education application must be submitted to the Region 1 Office 3 weeks (FIFTEEN BUSINESS DAYS) before your class is scheduled to start. This includes BLANKET NUMBER applications. You can email the application and supporting outline to wmems@wmems.org or fax it to us at 413- 586-0947 Occasionally we can make exceptions to this submission requirement, please contact the office as soon as possible to discuss.

Western Massachusetts Emergency Medical Services Inc.

Physical Address: 30 Locust St (1st floor of McCallum Building @ Cooley-Dickinson Hospital), Northampton, MA 01060

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1278, Northampton, MA 01601

M-F 0800-1600

Closed on State/Federal Holidays

Office: 413-586-6065

Fax: 413-586-0947


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Please welcome Lisa Herringshaw to the Executive Director Role!