Contact us for individualized service at a time convenient for you!
To provide better access to all providers in the region WMEMS will be holding off-hours office availability on a regular basis. The Executive Director will be available to answer your questions and assist you during these times. The next session will be on Saturday 3/9/24 from 9am-1pm.
Feel free to call the main office number 413-586-6065 ext #1, send an e-mail to, and if preferred we can follow-up with a Zoom invite for a video conference. We want to offer everyone as much individualized service as we can. If by chance we don't answer the phone please leave a message and we'll call you right back as soon as we become available.
Posted: to General News on Thu, Mar 7, 2024
Updated: Thu, Mar 7, 2024
Physical Address: 30 Locust St (1st floor of McCallum Building @ Cooley-Dickinson Hospital), Northampton, MA 01060
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1278, Northampton, MA 01601
M-F 0800-1600
Closed on State/Federal Holidays